

發表日期: 9/15/2022
點擊: 745
商戶 : Coach Primus 籃球教練
評分 :
聯絡方式 : 61115077
地址 : 大埔 / 沙田
簡介 : Coach Primus 在美國居住7年,曾在大學球隊實習。他教籃球經驗3年,現在不同國際學校學教授籃球(例如Chinese International School, Canadian International School and French International School)。他會透過籃球訓練過程令小朋友變得堅毅,好迎接將來的挑戰。憑著他對籃球和對小朋友的熱誠會使他成為一位好的籃球教練。

年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲)

語言: 英文

人數: 1對1, 2至4人, 多於4人

教學模式: 面授

時間: 個別查詢

價錢: 個別查詢

服務地區: 沙田區, 大埔區

Coach Primus




如在其他地區想參與請 WhatsApp 聯絡我


星期一  4:30-5:30PM 石門 12-14歲
星期二  4-5PM  西九龍 7-9歲
星期三  6-7PM  屯門7-10歲
星期四  4-5PM 沙田圍7-9歲
星期五  4-5PM  大埔7-9歲
星期六  9-10PM 大埔6-9歲 初學
星期日  9-10:30PM 大埔 7-10歲
            2:30-3:30 大埔 11-12歲
            3:30-4:30  大埔12-14 歲

🏀很多家長經常說他的孩子不夠運動,經常玩手機 ,不夠專注 ,容易分心,自信心不足會令孩子沒有動力成績下降,不願認識新朋友甚至抑鬱。父母同時都想孩子有一個練習英語環境。

🏀難得機會來了 ! Coach Primus 在美國居住7年,曾在大學球隊實習。他教籃球經驗3年,現在不同國際學校學教授籃球(例如Chinese International School, Canadian International School and French International School)。他會透過籃球訓練過程令小朋友變得堅毅,好迎接將來的挑戰。憑著他對籃球和對小朋友的熱誠會使他成為一位好的籃球教練。

🏀他將會為 6-16歲小朋友開辦籃球班,並會設試堂,讓參與者體驗一下透過英語學習籃球的樂趣。籃球班可以培養小朋友集中專注、紀律守規、團隊精神和增強自信。名額有限,請從速報名。                                            

What kind of amazing class are you looking for in a Fun and English speaking environment.🏀

🏀Some parents mention to me their children are not getting enough exercise and they are always on their phone. Not being able to focus on school. Students often lack confidence and feel isolated. This can lead to a loss of motivation, poor grades and even depression.

🏀Your chance has come now. Coach Primus is a professional coach who has been coaching for more than 3 years with experience of training kids from 3 to 18years old. With his uplifting personality he can motivate your children to achieve what they want in life through hard work and dedication in the game of basketball. Now he has taken his passion of basketball and coach in different international schools like Chinese international school Canadian international school and French international school. His passion for helping others makes him one of the best coaches in Hong Kong today!

🏀Fortunately, he will be holding a SPECIAL trial class for 6 to 16 years old with limited spot. Our basketball coaching program will teach your child how to focus on what they're doing as well as how to communicate effectively with others. They'll learn about discipline, teamwork, leadership and other important life skills that will help them succeed both in school and beyond!




分類 :

球類運動 - 籃球 - 室內 (籃球) 街頭 (籃球) 三人制 (籃球) 五人制 (籃球)


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