發表日期: 2/18/2022
點擊: 1292
年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲)
語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文
人數: 2至4人, 多於4人
教學模式: 面授, 網授
時間: 每節60-90分鐘
價錢: $200-$650
服務地區: 油尖旺區
We mainly run the Nunchaku course. Nunchaku has a long history and has developed into an iconic cultural sport of Hong Kong. It has distinctive characteristics and many styles. There are many practitioners all over the world, which are split into organizations. Through the Internet, school tutorials and large-scale competitions, the public has brought more awareness of nunchaku sports.
We are also co-organise martial arts courses for teenagers. Since ancient times, Wushu has enjoyed a lofty status in the two schools of Confucianism and Taoism in Chinese culture. It has evolved from the martial art of ancient battlefields to modern sports competitions and fitness sports. In addition to all-around improvement of physical quality, it also focuses on cultivating teamwork, ethics, and the spirit of placing oneself in the shoes of others.
#Martial Arts
分類 :
室內運動 - 武術
- 綜合格鬥 雙截棍 其他中國武術
0 用戶評論