
JLSC Solutions

發表日期: 7/8/2022
點擊: 7540
JLSC Solutions
商戶 : JLSC Solutions
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聯絡方式 : WhatsApp link
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簡介 : JLSC Solutions 將幫助您把夢想變成真實 - 我們的專業團隊不只為您提供產品開發服務,更會幫助您進一步了解市場,擴展以提升產品方案,並以技術總監的角色為您提供意見。我們的團隊擁有超過10年的開發經驗,包括極具經驗及創新性的用戶體驗設計師,手機應用程式開發員。敏捷團隊開發。完善的產品項目管理。我們是國際企業及顧問公司的首選的合作伙伴。 - JLSC Solutions will help you turn your dreams into reality - our professional team not only provides you with product development services, but also helps you further understand the market, expand and improve product solutions, and provide you with advice in the role of technical director. Our team has more than 10 years of development experience, including experienced and innovative user experience designers, mobile application developers. Agile team development. Perfect product project management. We are the partner of choice for international companies and consultancies.

年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲), 長者(65歲或以上)

語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文

人數: 1對1, 2至4人, 多於4人

教學模式: 面授, 網授

時間: -

價錢: WhatsApp Query

服務地區: 中西區, 東區, 南區, 灣仔區, 九龍城區, 觀塘區, 深水埗區, 黃大仙區, 油尖旺區, 離島區, 葵青區, 北區, 西貢區, 沙田區, 大埔區, 荃灣區, 屯門區, 元朗區, 其他(彈性或無固定地點)

JLSC Solutions

我們的服務隨時可了解更多 : WhatsApp查詢詳情








我們致力為客戶製作最好的用戶體驗及介面設計。我們一些主要客戶,包括世界有名的品牌及Fortune 500內的公司都尋找我們去提供手機,電視以及網站的用戶體驗設計。


我們多年來已經開發出雲端基礎設施投術,包括 RoR (Ruby on Rails), PHP, Node.js, Amazon Web Services 以及 Heroku。我們同時是大數據平台的專家,在大量數據處理上有持續的產品經驗及分釋方案給我們的企業客戶。


我們專業的電商顧問會為客戶提供產品服務方案以幫助他們的業務增長。我們的團隊已經在一些最強大,最自由以及最高性價比的電商平台上累積多年經驗,包括Magento, Shopify, Woocommerce以及Opencart。


















User flow, Wireframes, Design Specifications, Sketch, Invision,


React, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design, E-commerce, API Integrations


Native iOS / Android, Hybrid, Xcode, Android Studio, React Native


Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Amazon Web Services, Heroku, SQL, NoSQL

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JLSC Solutions

Our Services 

Mobile App Development

We develop international standard iOS and Android mobile applications for our clients. Our team consists of smart and highly skilled designers and developers within the industry. We use advanced technology and frameworks to create mobile and web applications.

Web Application Development

We build powerful web and cloud applications. Our elite team of web and backend developers and technical experts are well-equipped with the knoweledge and experiences to develop big data platforms, content management systems, database systems, secure transaction systems, live streaming, and electronic financial applications, and already sucessfully deployed for our clients.

Game Development

Game and entertainment applications are also one of our company's early product focuses. Our team's creativity, design, and development skills can create mobile games that our clients and users will love.

User Experience Design

We are committed to creating the best user experience and interface design for our clients. Some of our major clients, including world-famous brands and Fortune 500 companies, seek us out to provide user experience design for mobile, TV, and website platforms.

Enterprise Applications

Over the years, we have developed cloud infrastructure projects, including RoR (Ruby on Rails), PHP, Node.js, Amazon Web Services, and Heroku. We are also experts in big data platforms and have ongoing product experience and solutions for our enterprise clients.


Our professional e-commerce consultants provide product and service solutions to help our clients' businesses grow. Our team has accumulated years of experiences on some of the most powerful, flexible, and cost-effective e-commerce platforms, including Magento, Shopify, Woocommerce, and Opencart.

To Know more informtaion Click : WhatsApp to Contact Us

Our Objectives

Design-Driven Approach

All of the products we develop include our design-driven philosophy. We aim to create mobile applications that millions of users will love.

Knowledge and Experience

We have accumulated over 60 product development experiences and able to share with our clients the keys to product success.

Speed and Cost-Effectiveness

We provide more accurate and realistic quotes to meet your product development and application needs.

Agile Development

We provide cost-effective solutions to client in fulfilling the needs within the budgetary constraints. 

Cutting-Edge Technology

Our agile development and innovative technology help clients avoid potential risks.

Testing and Focus

After the product is launched, we provide comprehensive support and assistance to clients in collecting and analyzing mobile application data for future product feature development and improvement.


Our Techniques

User Experience Design

User flow, Wireframes, Design Specifications, Sketch, Invision,

Web Application Development

React, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design, E-commerce, API Integrations

Mobile App Development

Native iOS / Android, Hybrid, Xcode, Android Studio, React Native

Cloud Applications

Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Amazon Web Services, Heroku, SQL, NoSQL

To Know more informtaion Click : WhatsApp to Contact Us

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