DUA Organic
發表日期: 12/6/2023
點擊: 323

商戶 : DUA Organic
評分 :
聯絡方式 : 51003260
地址 : 紅磡民樂街21號富高工業中心B座12樓1231室
簡介 : DUA organic 在中東地區是感恩祝願的意思,祈盼帶給人們從心靈至體魄的健康,透過提供有機的飲食方式、豐富的音樂藝術體驗,促進文化交流和心靈療癒。深信健康是由內而外的,而心靈和體魄的健康也是相輔相成的。除了推廣健康有機食品外,還定期舉辦絲綢之路文化藝術工作坊,包括馬賽克燈工作坊、陶瓷彩釉工作坊、沙煮咖啡工作坊、土耳其全日早餐盛宴,聯同學校合辦文化教育課程,及企業團體活動等等,希望將充滿健康和藝術元素的生活帶給大家。
年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲), 長者(65歲或以上)
語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文
人數: 1對1, 2至4人, 多於4人
教學模式: 面授, 網授
時間: 150-180分鐘
價錢: $300 / 位起
服務地區: 九龍城區
DUA Organic
馬賽克燈工作坊Mosaic Lamp Workshop
Türkiye Deluxe All-Day Breakfast 🇹🇷🍳
We use natural organic food and meat which all are produced on our own Türkiye organic farm, which are all healthy for you physically and mentally, especially for you to start a fresh day in a happy mood. (Time & date at own choice. $350/person, starting from 2 persons up )
Organic menu includes: Pan-fried farm eggs with tomatoes, cheese, green & black olives, wheat bread, jam, natural wild honey honeycomb, fresh fruits, 16 types of organic tea, dried fruits and apricots, vegetable salad, Turkish rose petals/pistachios delights.
Turkish breakfast is known as "the best breakfast in the world". When you experience it by yourself, you will understand the spirit and meaning behind .
Turkish breakfast. Turkish breakfast is not only the diversity of ingredients served on the table, but also all the ingredients are organically cultivated and raised. Additionally focusing on healthy food culture, it is also a way to express the importance of their dear family, friends and lovers in their heart. The beginning of a new day is reserved for the important people, enjoying the affection and time spent with each other, as well as the flow and communion of each other's souls.
✨Welcome to make an appointment. Time and date at own choice. DM or WhatsApp 51003260 for inquiries
🇹🇷 Türkiye sand-made coffee ☕️🇹🇷
在土耳其傳統文化裡,為客人親手煮一杯土耳其咖啡是非常崇高的事情。 土耳其人有一句諺語,說道:「喝你的一杯土耳其咖啡,情誼永記四十年。」
$350/位 ☕️ 凡參加任何其他工作坊的學員可享優惠價$150加配
In traditional Turkish culture, making a cup of Turkish coffee for guests is a very noble affairs. One Turkish proverb says: "Drink one cup of your Turkish coffee which makes our friendship last forty years." Turkish coffee is associated with important friendship, loveship and family affection. It is not only a cup of an ordinary coffee, but also a way of lifestyle that represents the feelings between people.
$350/person. Participants of any workshop can enjoy a discounted price of $150 for add-on. Starting by 2 people up, time & date at own choice.
分類 :
藝術與設計 - 手工藝品
- 陶瓷(手工藝品) 紡織 織物
生活品味 - 工作坊(Workshop)
生活品味 - 咖啡文化
- 咖啡杯測
親子 - 親子活動
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