
Art Jamming 畫室及工作坊

發表日期: 2/18/2022
點擊: 1436
Art Jamming 畫室及工作坊
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聯絡方式 : 97381525
地址 : Whatsapp了解更多
簡介 : Aura 一詞源自德語,意譯「靈光」,由德國哲學家Walter Benjamin 在他的美學概念中提出。他認為藝術之所以能擁有攝人的魅力,正因為她擁有一種「藝術靈光」,正正是這特質,為藝術品注入靈氣;讓藝術家散發獨特氣質。

年齡範圍: 兒童(15歲或以下), 青年(15-24歲), 成人(24-65歲), 長者(65歲或以上)

語言: 廣東話, 普通話, 英文

人數: 多於4人

教學模式: 面授, 網授

時間: 1.5hrs - 3hrs

價錢: $290 - 690

服務地區: 灣仔區



● 學習如何製作搭配顏色及各種花材等技巧
● 自選個人喜好花材
● 配搭出獨一無二的個人作品
● 將其視為專屬的紀念品贈予親友,一同分享藝術創作的喜悅和快樂
● 無需繪畫經驗

The lovely Dried Flower Diffuser Light which is beautiful and practical. You can choose your favorite flower to match your style.
It is the best choice for personal use and as a gift for wedding gifts.
Aromatherapy oil can be added according to personal preference to achieve a relaxing.

● Learn how to mix and matching colors and flowers and other skills
● Optional personal preference flowers
● Match a unique personal art piece
● Leave the class with a one-of-a-kind souvenir that you can keep or give as a gift to friends!
● No painting experience required.



● 將你最愛的電影、卡通或電視角色人物變成一組可愛的俄羅斯娃娃
● 輕鬆愉快的學習環境,跟著達人一步一步製作出完整成品
● 帶回你親手製作俄羅斯娃娃,分享並展示給親朋好友
● 無需繪畫經驗

For many generations beautiful Russian dolls known as Matryoshka have been given in Russia as a gift of friendship.
They symbolise family love and happiness. Decorate this enchanting set of 5 wooden dolls with all the tools provided and a free-flowing acrylic paint buffet, all you need to prepare is just a willingness to relax and express.

● Create your own theme or be inspired by your favorite characters from movies, cartoons, or TV shows
● Feel at ease during the class as your expert tutor guides your group throughout the entire workshop
● Show off your matryoshka doll's hand painted details and expressions to loved ones back home
● No painting experience required


繪畫是最能表達內心世界的一種方式。參加此創意繪畫體驗,與您的朋友一起於畫布上即興創作屬於自己的作品,享受一節充滿藝術氣息的時光! 在這3小時的創意繪畫體驗裡,您將可以在輕鬆,愉快的環境下發揮無限的想像力。
假如 您沒有繪畫經驗,友善的導師會從旁指導,教授您基本的繪畫技巧。您亦可以參考畫室內的不同作品,取得靈感。

Painting is a great way to unleash your imagination and express yourself. Join this Paint Jamming Workshop with a friend and enjoy a relaxing painting session! During this 3 hour paint jamming session, relax, unwind. Each participant will receive a 40x50cm canvas.
With all the painting tools and a free-flowing paint buffet, you can set your imagination free and paint to your heart.
Don’t worry if you have no experience in painting, our friendly staff will guide you through some basic painting techniques and show you a wide range of references for inspiration.
Just sit back and enjoy an artsy time with your friend!

Pixel Art工作坊


讓這細小可愛的Pixel Art作品伴於身 邊。

● 無需經驗
● 導師指導基本技巧
● 將其視為專屬的紀念品贈予親友,一同分享藝術創作的喜悅和快樂

Pixel image is the most primitive way of representing bitmap images on the computer.
This work class will take you back to the original, turning pure smooth lines into grids and then inlaying them into unique physical pixel paintings with colorful mosaic tiles, and gift them to the one you love.
Keep this small and cute Pixel Art work by your side.

● No experience required
● Tutor will Mentoring Basic Skills
● Treat it as an exclusive souvenir to give to relatives and friends, and share the joy and happiness of artistic creation together

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分類 :

藝術與設計 - 繪畫 - 木顏色畫 酒精墨水畫 素描 油畫 水彩畫 水墨畫 粉彩畫 水粉畫 丙烯畫(塑膠彩) 蠟筆畫 其他 (繪畫)
藝術與設計 - 手工藝品 - 香薰/蠟燭
生活品味 - 工作坊(Workshop)


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